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Joy for the Father

What father would not want to hear his kids say, “Daddy, what are four things that you’d really like me to do for you?”

It would be enough of a joyful surprise that the question was even asked.

It would be even more of a surprise when each of the father’s requests were fulfilled.

Wow, that would be a great blessing for everyone concerned!

The father would never forget the moments of fulfillment, I’m sure.

And the parent-child relationship would be stronger than ever.

Never forget that God is a father. He is our Abba Father.

Our divine Daddy.

He loves it when we do things with the desire to please Him.

That’s why today’s reading in the One-Year Bible from Psalm 101 was meaningful to me.

It helps me to better know how to please my Abba Father.

It helps me to enjoy more fully an intimate relationship with Him who created the Universe and me, simply by willing both into existence.

Four behavioral choices are listed in vv. 1-3 that demonstrate a desire to please the Father.

I pray that your life includes these choices. I know that mine should and that I strive to implement each with increasing success.

  • “I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praise”
  • “I will be careful to lead a blameless life”
  • “I will walk in my house with a blameless heart”
  • “I will set before my eyes no vile thing”

Do you want to please God?

Sing to Him.

Not just on Sunday during the worship service but also during the week as you listen to Christian music.

Hum or whistle Christian sungs while one the job or in the yard or in the garage or in the laundry room.

Don’t embarrass Him.

Live in a way that all will see your blameless lifestyle rather than a hypocritical faith. Strengthen your testimony among co-workers or classmates or neighbors rather than weakening it.

Provide a moral compass at home.

Family members want to be proud of each other. It’s how we’re wired emotionally. The closer we follow Christ’s example, the more we’ll receive His power to resist the traps and the pull of the Devil and the more we’ll give our family members the confidence that we will do that which is best for our family. Never forget that Satan knows that a failing faith is terribly damaging to the immediate family since that is the earthly foundation for building the Church.

Reject every visual temptation.

Satan knows that sexual temptation is one of his best weapons. And since the sin is conceived in the heart, physical culmination isn’t required in order to accomplish the suicide of the soul. Remember what Jesus said about adultery “in the heart?” That means that all forms of porn are off limits. Gazing at lingerie ads or shirtless male ads? No.

Going to the beach to look at what is on the beach rather than in your book? Jesus wouldn’t and you shouldn’t, either.

The bottom line for each of the above lifestyle choices is this — God is watching to see if you live to please Him or to please yourself.

I pray that your choices and mine will put smiles on His face rather than frowns.

As always, I love you

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