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The gift of qualification

I’m frequently reminded that God treats me better than I deserve.

This morning’s reading from the One-Year Bible provided yet another reminder of this fact.

I have the hope of heaven even though I deserve a different eternal address.

Thank you, Jesus.

“For He (God the Father) remembered His holy promise given to His servant Abraham. He brought out His people with rejoicing, His chosen ones with shouts of joy; He gave them the lands of the nations, and they fell heir to what others had toiled for — that they might keep His precepts and observe His laws.

“Praise the Lord” (Psalm 105:42-45).

Specifically, the psalmist is writing of how the children of Abraham were given possession of the Promised Land and its bounty — its crops, its towns, its livestock, its natural resources — even though they didn’t build them or grow them or create them.

They became heirs of something incredibly valuable that wasn’t theirs, simply because they were the children of God.

Of course, you and I have all sorts of blessings that we didn’t work for.

We didn’t pay for the schools where we obtained our education during childhood.

Others did and we are the beneficiaries.

We also didn’t die in war in order to protect the safety of our nation.

Others did and we are the beneficiaries.

Of utmost importance, though, is the fact that you and I didn’t pay the price for the eternal blessing of salvation.

Another did and we are the beneficiaries.

Christ is the One who toiled for us, living sinlessly in the face of boundless temptation by Satan and enduring physical and emotional pain that is beyond our comprehension.

He remembered His Father’s promise to Abraham and willingly toiled at a task that none other could accept or have any hope of completing.

Because He toiled faithfully, we have the choice to be eternal heirs of heaven’s promises.

We simply have to toil with faith in keeping God’s precepts and observing His laws.

Listen, you and I can never do enough to earn our place as a child of God.

But the One who did qualify promises that we’ll experience the forever joy of heaven alongside Him if we’ll embrace Him, imitate Him and serve Him with all of our hearts.

This is my passion, purpose and promise. This is why I toil to diligently serve the Lord.

I hope that you’ll do the same.

As always, I love you

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