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The sun is shining through the French doors behind the antique chair in which I am sitting.

The Christian music is playing on the stereo.

I’ve just finished a delightful phone conversation about various topics with my daughter Melissa.

And I don’t have any painful ailments calling for attention just now.

Yes, life is good and I’m smiling.

And when I think of the incredible mercies that God pours out upon me day after day as He forgives my sins and provides for my needs, I realize that life is actually very good.

Of course, just like you, there are a number of everyday life circumstances that I wish were quite different.

I resist the temptation, though, to whine about income struggles or physical hindrances.

I have food to eat, people to love, a place to live and the physical/technological ability to help others.

I’m clearly favored by God, I know.

This is why I love verses like Psalm 34:1, a verse that describes how I know I should be.

I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.”

When I hear people fret because their “wants” are not being realized according to their timetable, two verses often come to mind.

First, I think of Matthew 6:33 that calls me to seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness and then God will provide for my life needs.

Second, I think of 2 Cor. 9:8 that assures me that God will supply all my needs so that I can provide all the praise He wants.

I am praying that this national recession will prod Christians toward a clearer understanding of God’s will regarding material things and the need for dependency upon God.

When life is easy and affluent, it’s easy to lean on our own understanding. After all, WE got the good job and WE got the good deal and WE got the good family and WE caused our good health because WE are smart and WE are cool and WE have the X factor that people want around.

When tough times come, though, WE realize that obstacles are greater than WE are.

If WE are really smart, however, we’ll internalize Proverbs 3:5-6.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”

Jesus is the Good Shepherd.

Walk in His path and you will have a good life.

It might not be the “good life” as defined by the world, but it will be very good because we’ll appreciate things like the gracious blessing of the sunshine, of worshipful Christian music, of delightful conversations with loved ones and the blessing of knowing that all physical ailments will be replaced with eternal absence of pain.

Now that’s good news worth smiling about, huh?

As always, I love you

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2 Responses to “Chasing the real ‘good life’”

  1. C. Crumpler says:

    Right On!! Thank you and God Bless!!

  2. Pat Rader says:

    Love your message. We are so blessed to meet you.. God bless!

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