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New try for an old lie

The more time passes, the more that some things stay the same.

The first lie on earth — that our future is better without God on the throne of our hearts — is still going strong, despite the untold thousands of years that have passed since Eve and Adam bit into the forbidden fruit.

I read this week a variant of the lie that actually started in heaven before the creation of the universe.

We all understand that Satan believed that he could be more powerful than God and that he persuaded a third of all the angels to swallow the lie that God really isn’t the Almighty God.

Simply stated, Satan deceived the fallen angels into believing they didn’t need God in order to have the lives they wanted.

Like I said, the more time passes, the more that some things stay the same.

Here is the lie that I read. It is a segment from a blog article about long-term unemployment. I am working on a master plan for forming a support group to help those gripped by this economic calamity. Such people need reasons for hope that are greater than themselves.

But what follows will not provide a lasting remedy, as you well know. It sounds so spiritual, of course. But, ever so subtly, it is poison.

Living a spiritual life requires supreme trust and faith that things are unfolding exactly as they should. You can increase your trust by simply “being” instead of “doing.”

“Being” means that you have accepted the reality of your situation and you believe that Life has your best interests in mind. “Doing,” on the other hand, means that you’re busy trying to control what happens.

When you trust, you are tapping into the Change Guarantee™, which is that from every change, something good will eventually come. The gift that comes from change may not happen when you want it to and may not even be connected to the change at all, but it will add something positive to your life and your spirituality.

The next time you’re faced with an uncomfortable or challenging situation, remember what being spiritual means: take a moment to check in with your Higher self, to recall that even though you may feel pain or unhappiness right now, Life always has your best interests in mind and you’re headed to a brighter future.

It won’t be easy, but as you face each challenge, you have to continue to work at trusting that Life has a plan for you.

The above information was written by Ariane de Bonvoisin, founder and CEO of The First Thirty Days, Inc.. This enterprise started as a journal and personal planning strategy after de Bonvoisin saw hundreds of people struggling with job loss in the Boston area. As I’ve read through some of her writing, though, it has become clear to me that she embraces humanistic and New Age ideas.

That’s why it is so important that we Christians read secular writings with our feet grounded in scripture.

If we don’t, we’ll end up eating rotten intellectual food because we weren’t equipped to smell the stink.

The first paragraph’s “things are unfolding exactly as they should” is baloney. This presumes that Satan doesn’t exist and that he doesn’t work to destroy us through bad actions of others or lure us down detours roads through bad choices of ourselves.

Yet de Bonvoisin’s words sound so socially acceptable, don’t they?

The second paragraph includes the capitalized word “Life.” Since when did a title for the time vessel for our activities, i.e. “life,” gain a promotion to formal noun status, deserving a personification as if a deity? It is clear from observing the events of the world that “Life” does not have your or my best interests in mind.

God does, but not “Life.”

And since when does “Life” have a mind?

Is “Life” a higher power? Is de Bonvoisin simply redefining and renaming God in order to turn Him into a genie?

The third paragraph refers to the “Change Guarantee.” Sure sounds like a reworking of Romans 8:28 if you ask me.

Why doesn’t de Bonvoisin just quote that verse that says God works through all circumstances to eventually bless His children if they will love Him and live according to His Word.

The fourth paragraph is clearly plagiarizing from the biblical pattern that says we should check in with God when we’re stressed and that we should recall that struggles now can serve to refine our faith as we trust that God always has our best interests in mind.

The thievery of principles is SO obvious.

I don’t even need to comment on the brief, fifth paragraph. I’m sure you see what’s happening.

Dear friend, don’t swallow sugary, socially polished and popular lies that steal ideas from God in order to ultimately steal souls from His family.

Be watchful.

I pray that this Morning Devotion will help you in that regard.

As always, I love you

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2 Responses to “New try for an old lie”

  1. Ariane says:

    Dear Martin,
    I read your blogpost above. My intention with my book and website has always been to help my fellow human beings with love, light and grace to be an instrument of God’s will. God has used me to help hundreds of thousands. I am sorry you judge so harshly. I am sorry you make such wrong assumptions about my writing. I am sorry you find it necessary to label me in many ways. I know that the Jesus I love would not do that.
    The best way to live as a Christian is to be loving. And your blogpost above is far from it.
    Much love to you,

  2. admin says:


    Thank you for your considerate response. The rationality of your response speaks well of your character.

    I am very glad to read that you love Jesus, as do I. It is unfortunate that I could not discern such a love from your comments about spirituality that I’ve read since receiving the 30 Days e-mails. If you’ve cited the place of Christ in your life as part of your writings and encouraged others to do the same and I’ve missed it, please forgive me for my neglect.

    As a lover of Christ, you know the words of John 14:6. Jesus is the only Way to earthly alignment with God’s purposes and power AND the only Way to eternal life. You also know of Matthew’s teaching that we are to bring our burdens to Jesus and He will give us rest. This is what we are to confess and counsel others to do the same. There are no suitable substitutes.

    I’m sure that you’ve also heard the teaching that we are to clearly identify with Christ in the eyes of those around us if we expect Christ to identify with us when we stand before the Father on our day of reckoning.

    Again, if you’ve done this in your writings and I’ve missed it, I sincerely apologize and will say as much in my devotional column.

    Yes, Jesus is love. But He also is Truth. And that’s why reminding others to be careful in evaluating teachings that substitute for Christ is the a mandate for all believers.

    It is a wonderful thing that you have found such a position of influence, Ariane. And your desire to help others is obvious. Thank you.

    In view of the fact that God has laid on my heart a burden for helping victims of the massively restructuring economy, perhaps you and I could help each other to reach our community service vision. I am certain that you have insights that could help me to be more effective in this regard.

    I also would hope that you would have opportunity to know me better just as you desire me to better know your heart and motives. I know that you’re busy helping others, but if you were to read five or six of the recent devotions, you might form a different view toward me.

    Have a great day and thank you again for the tone of response.

    Martin Drummond

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