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Who influences you?

There is a lesson that most teenagers struggle to learn.

Sadly, even many adults stumble through life because they don’t get a handle on this crucial life principle.

I’m talking about knowing how to assign degrees of influence to the people in our lives.

Those who make good decisions in this regard will only allow trustworthy, good-values people to serve as advisors for the important matters of their lives.

When a good set of advisors is established in a person’s life, the quality of life that results is typically much better in terms of emotional, financial and spiritual stability.

When those on the influence list are determined instead by social popularity, physical appearance factors or wallet thickness, the stability factors above almost always decay at some point.

That’s because those playing these angles typically are looking out for themselves first, not for those they are advising.

Any parent of a young adult can think back to the days when that child was feeling the influence of another teen who had questionable values or motivations. If the parent is blessed now with a faithful, young adult child, the prayers for imparted wisdom worked.


So why am I writing about this topic today? In Zechariah 1:4-5, God is speaking to the exiled Hebrews through the prophet Zechariah. God is reminding the Hebrews in Babylonian captivity to avoid listening to prophets who don’t listen to God.

Where are your forefathers now? And the prophets, do they live forever? But did not my words and my decrees, which I commanded my servants the prophets, overtake your forefathers?”

Here is the line that really grabbed my attention — “And the prophets, do they live forever?”
God was using Zechariah to teach the exiled Hebrews to make better decisions about who they allowed to influence them spiritually.

Here was his main point: the authority that determines spiritual direction and devotion is not to be given to religious leaders who teach contrary to the scriptures, no matter how charismatic or forceful they might seem.

It was true 2,500 years ago. It is true now. For Christian teens walking the carnal hallways of a high school or Christian adults loitering in the work break room, the call to abide in scripture is unending.

Do this and a God-blessed life will follow.

That’s why it is SO important to be part of a faith group that emphasizes in-depth Bible study.

If I choose instead to join the crowd chasing worldly goals, a God-absent life will follow, both now and forever.

If you know anybody being strongly influenced by those who — based on their current paths — won’t live forever, will you please start praying for that special friend or relative?

Will you pray that their loyalty to the influence of non-Christian voices will cease?

If your friend or loved one listens to the Holy Spirit’s voice sooner rather than later, then he or she will not only tap into the rich storehouse of inner peace and eternal hope but will also give God what He wants more than anything else — the worship of a surrendered heart.

For eternity.

Here’s wrap-up: Be kind to all. But only give influence over your soul to those who will live forever because they chose to do the same earlier.

As always, I love you

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