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Satan’s biggest fear

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Satan is quite ambitious, of course.

That’s why he is such a hard worker.

He never gives up luring people into giving up on patience and godliness.

If he can manipulate them into exchanging the truth of God for a lie, then that is less praise that will flow to God in this life and the next.

In Satan’s poisoned, evil mind, that is a good thing.

As rotten and powerful as he is, however, remember that even he knows that he isn’t supreme.

He knows that God is greater and is reminded of that fact whenever the Father lifts His hand to restrain how far Satan can torment or tempt believers (I Cor. 10:13).

Satan already knows that he is bound for eternal destruction so the idea of conquering God and taking heaven’s throne is not an option.

So then, what prompts fear in the soul of one already irreversibly condemned to hell?

Here’s my thought on that question.

Satan’s biggest fear is that every human will embrace the truth that God is eternally Sovereign, that He created the universe and that all mankind will stand before Him to give an accounting for their lives.

Whenever someone genuinely accepts these truths, his or her pattern of behavior nearly always transforms from self-glorification over to humble sanctification.

Satan has seen billions of times over what happens when a person accepts the fact that God is eternal, heaven and hell are eternal, and that personal choices have eternal consequences.

Satan has seen such people turn from away from his lies and turn toward God’s Truth, God’s Son and God’s promise of salvation.

That’s why he hates it SO much when people understand and accept God’s eternality.

I was again reminded of this truth this morning while reading from Psalm 90.

“Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God” (verse 2).

Please notice the sequence here — “Before the mountains were…You are.”
God is the potter, not the clay.

And God is the Creator, not the created.

As such, He is the Ultimate Authority.

Satan’s lie today — that we’re the boss and only accountable to ourselves — is the same lie he used in the Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve fell into believing that lie and look what happened.

Cain seemingly believed that God’s sovereignty and that his behavior’s consequences were not eternal and look what happened.

Please, my friend, ruin Satan’s day today.

Remind him of his greatest fear.

Live as if you believe that before the mountains were, God is.

As always, I love you

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