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It wasn’t easy but I checked one more box last night — as in very late last night — regarding the transition into this Miami rental house.

I installed our over-the-range microwave that had been setting in a box in the garage.

It took the place of a simple range hood that was essentially useless.

This is typically a 15-minute job but my efforts took more than three hours, counting the trip to Home Depot.

I won’t go into all the details but I will say that I was reminded once again of the cost of sloppy work levied upon others when common sense and good electrical wiring practices are ignored.

The electrical configuration for the microwave is now safe and convenient.

The microwave is mounted securely and is functioning well.


Life without a microwave is less convenient and I’m so glad that quick heating is now back as an option.

The experience last night that ended after 1 a.m. was not pleasant, but it was important.

It reminded me of the importance for doing things right the first time rather than slopping through it with no regard for those following after you.

Whoever installed the electrical service over the stove wasn’t thinking about the probability of a future microwave installation, something almost standard in houses now. It appears that someone just wanted to quickly throw up a few wires and hook up a cheap range hood and go home.

Listen, my friend. Do you work or your parenting or your home repairs or your church volunteerism as if many, many others will see and rely upon the quality of your efforts.

If you and I slop through our efforts, somebody following after us will have to take a load of time to undo what we’ve done and then start over.

It’s not fair to our kids for us to be sloppy with parenting and then watch other kids or adults have to deal with the crippled patterns of interaction that our kids bring into their world.

The same is true at work, at church or in the neighborhood.

Do it right the first time.

Just like Colossians 3:17 says.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

As always, I love you

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