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I stopped by a U-Haul rental center yesterday to ask for directions to a hardware store. As soon as I opened the front door, I realized that I had forgotten something a couple of weeks ago.

Working at the counter was a young, Jamaican lady named Marcia. I walked over to her, extended my hand to greet her and said, “I’ve been hoping to see you at church. I should have stopped by before now and invited you again.”

Marcia smiled and said, “I told my boyfriend about the church and we’re gonna to get there soon.”

“Well, I’d love to see you this Sunday because my wife Lori will be there and you’ll want to meet her. She’s much nicer than me,” I replied.

Marcia laughed and said she still had my business card and that she might surprise me Sunday “if possible.”

“Marcia, nothing is impossible with God, the Bible says, and you’re coming to church is not only possible, but I believe that it will happen.”

It was interesting in that the reason for my stopping at the business — asking for directions — wasn’t addressed until the end of my time inside. The Holy Spirit led my hand during the conversation and it was very rich despite being very brief.

The appropriateness of my opening remark was established by the meaningful conversation that Marcia and I had several weeks ago when I was returning a rental truck. One thing led to another in that conversation and soon we — Marcia, a church friend named Albert, and myself — were talking about faith, the need for Christ and the ministry at SouthWinds Christian Church where I serve as pastor for the English-language congregation.

Marcia told me then through her wide smile that she’d come to church someday.

“Someday” hasn’t arrived yet, but I’m still praying.

The fact that I saw and talked with her again yesterday increased the likelihood that “someday” is sooner rather than later.

And that’s my call to you from this Morning Devotion — please follow up with someone that you’ve previously invited to church.

Please give them a phone call or send them an e-mail about an upcoming church event you’d like to share with them.

Better yet, step into their world for a few minutes and extend your invitation in person.

Perhaps you could invite their kids to a youth event at your congregation.

Make sure, if the social etiquette allows, to offer a ride to the church event if that would improve the likelihood of their attendance.

I’m quite aware that some people have an aversion to attending church because they’ve had bad experiences in a previous church. If that’s the case, invite them to lunch or to breakfast in a public setting and invite a spiritually mature church friend who might have something in common with the unchurched person.

The focus is on building a bridge with a few or with many so that God’s love and Word can be shared with them.

I’ll be stopping by the U-Haul center again in a month or so if I don’t see Marcia before then. Is this my desire because I’m a nag with a quota to fill?

Of course not. The facts are these:

  • Marcia needs a church family
  • Marcia is seven months pregnant and such a personal transition time softens hearts toward a re-setting of life values
  • Marcia was forced to go to church as a child and as soon as she could in her late adolescence, she stopped attending
  • Marcia says she believes in God but she knows that she is not living according to the pattern desired by God

God has placed a burden on my heart for Marcia. That’s why I can’t give up on her.

God has placed a burden on your heart for somebody. Please don’t give up on them. In fact, why don’t you give him or her a call or stop by for a visit?

The likelihood of his or her coming into your world of worship at church will be much greater if you do.

As always, I love you

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