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There is a more important sign of spiritual maturity than simply avoiding sin.

It’s when one has already sinned and he or she admits it, renounces it and starts walking the biblical path.

It’s not easy to do this, but the ones who do so are the ones genuinely wanting to please the Lord.

I was prompted to consider the above when I read Psalm 119:59 this morning. Here’s what the psalmist says:

“I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes.”

This is a verse that Christians should reflect upon daily.

Actually, constantly.

As you review your words and actions with family members over the past few days, have there been choices made by you that Jesus would have NEVER said or done?

If so, it’s time to turn your relationship-style steps toward the biblical pattern of “in all things, love.”

And it’s time to do the harder part — ask forgiveness for what you said or did.

You’ll very likely receive forgiveness from that family member AND from the Lord who was saddened by what was said or done.

Here’s a wonderfully encouraging promise from Proverbs that speaks to the value of admitting error and seeking forgiveness:

“Those who conceal their sins do not prosper, but those who confess and renounce them find mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).

The verse specifically is addressing the idea of sin against God, yet the principle applies to all offenses against another.

You and I become more pleasing to God not simply by avoiding sin — which we should — but also by confessing and renouncing sin — which we should.

Yes, it’s always preferred to keep our feet on the stepping stones of God’s statutes. The consequences of taking our eyes off the path are too high, a fact we all know quite well.

But on those occasions when we’ve pointed our feet the wrong way and big problems result, let’s be mature enough in our faith to confess the mess, renounce the poor decisions and ask for God’s help to get our feet back on solid ground.

Once we’re there, Psalm 119:59 will help to keep us there.

As always, I love you

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