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I admire people who successfully resist the efforts of others to destroy their character or testimony.

I’ve seen this occur at jobs I’ve held over the years.

I’ve seen this occur in a few church settings.

I’ve even seen this occur in extended family settings among people that I knew.

It’s very sad when jealousy rages and goodness is sacrificed in a thirst for personal dominance.

Yet, it’s even more significant when one’s depth of godliness and desire for serving others is greater than the decay of values displayed by an accuser or attacker.

What’s behind this obvious strength of character?

Many times, it is infusion of strength from on high.

It is the recognition that the same strength that sustained Christ in the face of attacks against Him is still available to Christians who will turn to the promises of scripture and the examples of biblical characters in order to keep putting one foot in front of the other in godly ways.

Here is the passage that prompted these words this morning:

They triumphed over him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death” (Revelation 12:11)

Though the verse specifically addresses the eternal reward that is promised to those who do not forfeit faith in the face of martyrdom, the principle of how believers overcome any attack is clear to every Christian.

We can triumph over attacks upon us by recalling the fact that we’ve been covered by the blood of the Lamb (via verbal and baptismal confession) and by proclaiming our trust in the Word of God’s testimony (the Bible).

These two facts are essential for every person who desires to not love his or her life so much as to shrink from faith.

I am certain that you want to be strong enough emotionally and spiritually so that you don’t cave into attacks from others that are designed to tear you down.

Please be certain, my friend, that you have made the same decisions that strengthened believers in ages past when Satan was persecuting them.

Make sure that you are covered by the blood of the Lamb — (Acts 22:16; Galatians 3:27).

And make sure that you are guided/strengthened by the Word of God’s testimony.

Then your toolbox for triumph will be equipped.

And your hope forever will be secured.

As always, I love you

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