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It’s such a short fragment of a verse but it spoke loudly to me this morning.

He blesses the home of the righteous” (Proverbs 3:33)

As soon as I read this, my mind zoomed through memories of times past when my heart was thrilled by God’s blessings upon my home. Times when I wrestled with giggling kids on the family room floor. Times when I hugged and encouraged teary-eyed kids wounded by words of peers.

And times when I saw the Holy Spirit pour encouragement into dinner visitors who felt the unconditional love of my family.

The list of cherished, recalled blessings goes on and on and on, of course.

Just as your list does if you’ve sought to have a righteous home.

It has not been in the plan of God to pour out abundant wealth into my home. I assure you that I would have appreciated it if He had, but I’m content and grateful with the non-tangible blessings that actually have far greater worth and require far less maintenance.

The cost-benefit ratio of righteousness vs. blessing is clearly in my favor, as it is for every surrendered believer.

We pursue the righteous living that God desires and deserves and He provides the blessings that we desire but DON’T deserve.

Please, my friend, determine today to change one of your life patterns that could become more righteous in nature.

Perhaps you’ll stop watching unrighteous TV programs tthat corrupt your mind with sarcasm, sexual innuendo and rude language. God certainly isn’t happy with such choices and won’t bless them.

Perhaps you’ll stop trying to influence family members in hurtful ways so that you can get your way.

Perhaps you’ll start praying consistently with your spouse or children before you part ways for the day and before you go to sleep at night.

The possibilities are endless for bringing more righteousness into your home.

And as you do, the endless supply of blessings from the infinite God won’t be far behind.

As always, I love you

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