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Sometimes it is easier to define a person’s philosophy for living by what they don’t do.

Our brains seem to be wired to notice more readily the actions of others rather than their inaction, yet it is the choice to not do bad things that sometimes says a lot more about a person’s character.

I was reminded of this principle this morning while reading from Proverbs 6 in the One-Year Bible. Here’s what Solomon wrote:

“There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him:

haughty eyes,

a lying tongue,

hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked schemes,

feet that are quick to rush into evil,

a false witness who pours out lies,

and a person who stirs up dissension in the community.” (vv. 16-19)

Obviously, these behaviors should be seen as spiritual arsenic by Christians, actions that should never be found in a congregation of believers. One of the roles of a shepherd in ancient Israel was to keep a mean-spirited sheep from biting others in the flock. If the shepherd failed in that regard, all sorts of chaos would result and the flock would scatter.

Elders in churches are called to do the same today, of course. Fortunately, though, such corrective intervention doesn’t have to occur all that often, though elders should always be willing to do so.

What intrigued me even more about this passage was what it said about God’s desire for your life and mine.

If these seven destructive actions are SO bad in God’s sight, then the complete opposite behaviors must be SO good in His sight.

Consider the following possibility:

“There are six things the LORD loves, seven that are pleasing to Him:

humble eyes,

a truthful tongue,

hands that protect the innocent,

a heart that devises holy plans,

feet that quickly rush to defend others,

a faithful witness who pours out healing truth,

and a person who promotes unity in the congregation.”

As your congregation and my congregation have more people being conformed into this pattern of Christ, our churches will grow in ministry to the world, in relationships between members and in individual spiritual joy.

These things are what ultimately grows the size of the congregation because many sheep are looking for safe pastures.

Please, dear friend, consider copying the above faith list so that you can have a target for becoming more like Jesus.

It is absolutely true that the more you become like Jesus, the more that people will like what you say about Jesus.

Such will sure be pleasing to God.

And such will build the Kingdom.

As always, I love you

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