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Imagine that a low-income parent and her college-educated, designer clothes-wearing young adult daughter were walking through a mall in a large city when some of the child’s friends approached her.

Now imagine how the mother would feel if her daughter ignored her and didn’t introduce her to the friends because of embarrassment over the mom’s low social status.

It would be crushing to the soul of the mother.

And the cruelty and vanity of the child would scream to all who saw it.

Has this ever happened? I’m sure that it has.

Such an occurrence would be terrible and without excuse, wouldn’t you agree?

Whatever emotional reaction you had to the above scenario, I pray that you’ll be stirred toward being more open about your relationship with Jesus Christ and your Father in heaven.

For failure to acknowledge our relationship with Christ and God the Father will result in more loss than simply their sadness at our public ignorance of them. Much more.

And we will be the victims of our failure.

Hear what Jesus said in Luke 12:8-9.

“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. But whoever publicly disowns me will be disowned before the angels of God.”

I long for the day that Jesus will tell God the Father and everybody gathered around Him that I am a Christian and part of God’s family. What an amazing moment that will be!

And because of that hope, I am to make sure that the people in my circle of influence know that I am a Christian by what I say and by what I do.

The last thing I want to experience is to have Christ look at me on Judgment Day and say, “Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity, for I never knew you.”

Please make sure that everybody in your circle of influence knows that you are a Christian in love with Jesus Christ. Please encourage them to the embrace your faith and the better life that awaits them in Jesus Christ.

Please tell them of your treasured hope for endless joy on that day that your name is called at the foot of God’s throne. The warm smiles from the throne. The celebration songs and cheers from the saints gathered around. The blessed reunion with beloved Christians who died before you.

Oh, what a day that will be! Tell your circle of influence about Jesus and you can rest assured that these blessings will be yours.

As always, I love you

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