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Our adult Sunday School teacher yesterday mentioned Jeremiah 29:11 yesterday, referring to the fact that God has plans to bless and prosper His people, not harm them.

But if I grow impatient with the revealing of God’s plan and His supplying of blessings, then what I am saying about God’s sovereignty?

For single adults who long for marriage, it’s quite easy to grow impatient with what often is God’s season of shaping his or her character and confidence in God’s leading.

But what does that impatience say to God? Particularly if there is a cord of compromise with God woven into the fabric of frustration?

For ministry leaders, there is no exemption of temptation during those times when hard work and humble prayers are not spontaneously boosting participation levels.

We do for Him and so He’s supposed to do for us, right? When we expect Him to, right?

After all, He’s the Creator of the Universe and controls the massive forces of nature that can overwhelm huge areas of the globe. So why can’t He manipulate the heart of a person or two that we’ve determined should be sitting in church on Sunday morning rather than sitting on the beach?

It’s all about timing, my friend.

Just like the building of a house or the manufacturing of a car or the planting of a garden, it’s all about the timing.

Faith is the practice of waiting.

If we won’t wait, where is the faith?

You’re waiting for something lately, I’m sure.

Please remember this verse from today’s reading in the One-Year Bible.

“But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His plan to unfold.” Psalm 106:13

God has given us a gazillion examples of His intercession into the lives of mankind, including our own.

In almost every case, the faithful people waited and the unfaithful people didn’t.

Please remember the blessings that God provided to the patient people described in the Bible.

Please remember the blessings that God has provided to patient people you know, whether it be godly spouses to formerly single people who waited patiently and served faithfully OR to frugal, yet generous believers who kept tithing and donating to needy people even when personal finances were so tough.

Don’t forget what God has done for you. His plan for your blessing will unfold someday. And when it does, it will be amazing!

As always, I love you

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One Response to “Morning Devotion: Patience is the fruit of remembrance”

  1. Curt says:

    Great message Brother. I have to keep remembering. Gods Plan…Gods timing. Blessings my friend.

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