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What is the primary goal of your life?

To be a good person?

To be the best parent possible?

To retire with assurance of affording food, housing and medical care?

To be more financially successful than your relatives?

I’ve often said that a person is defined by his or her goals.

For goals illlustrate what is most important to a person.

Do you have spiritual goals? Do you realize the purposes for which God created you in the womb and for which He re-created you through the “tomb” of repentance, confession and baptism?

The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10 that Christians are saved for the purpose of doing good works for God’s Kingdom.

In essence, we have been saved to serve.

Doing whatever we can that promotes Christianity’s growth is to be our primary goal in life.

Being a good person is a way of supporting that #1 goal, not supplanting it.

Being the best parent possible or being the best financial steward possible supports our promotion of Christianity rather than eroding it.

And being financially successful is good if the purpose is to point more funds into the work of faith rather than the edifices of pride.

Listen, we don’t have to be a rags-wearing, street-corner-yelling preacher in order to have building the Kingdom as a primary goal.

Instead, we simply need to make sure that every action and thought is guided by the thought, “Is this going to help me or another believer to reach more people with God’s love and Word?”

Whether in the home, in the workplace, in the school, in the store or on the highway, every action and word CAN be promote Kingdom purposes if we strive to imitate Christ and educate about Christ and invite people to accept Christ.

Building the Kingdom CAN be our primary goal as we do the above more often.

Here are Paul’s thoughts about the reason for living:

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24).

Please reflect on your goals for living and I’ll do the same.

As always, I love you

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