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No army general likes it when carelessness by a cargo plane crew airdrops ammunition on the wrong side of enemy lines.

Almost certainly, some of that ammo is going to injure or kill the people it was supposed to help protect.

It’s a very bad thing to give bullets and bombs to the enemy.

That’s why the teaching of Psalm 39:1 is SO important to Christian living.

I said, ‘I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence.’

King David was often around people who didn’t respect and love God as he did.

Some of them were pagans who likely lacked any conscience when it came to godly values.

Hmmmm….. sounds like the circles that some of us have to operate within at work or school or among extended family.

People opposed to God’s authority over their lives are typically ready to pounce on any example of spiritual hypocrisy. That’s why it is so important that we conduct ourselves in a Christlike manner.

Our influence with people is most often determined by the amount of influence they see God’s values having in our lives.

If we blow it by blowing up or blowing the smoke of gossip at home or at work or at school or in the checkout line, the unsaved will cite such behavior as why Christianity is a “bunch of baloney” that doesn’t make any real difference with the core attitude of a Christian.

Please, dear friend, by hypercautious with your words, particularly when around non-believers.

Carelessness is like airdropping bullets and bombs on the wrong side of the battle line.

Almost certainly, somebody is going to pay the price for the prideful laziness of thought. And the one paying the price might not even be you, but instead a godly wife who has been praying for years to see the salvation of her unsaved husband who works with you.

As always, I love you

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