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Tight schedule today…. so here goes.

When we decide to ignore that odd sound in our car engine, we shouldn’t be surprised that if we end up with a hefty repair bill.

When we observe family or friends giving us the cold shoulder all of a sudden, we shouldn’t be surprised when we later learn that we’ve done something hurtful to them without even realizing it.

And what about our bodies? If our leg joints ache a bit when when jog a mile slowly, should we be surprised if they hurt like crazy if we jog three miles without first doing any stretching?

We all have opportunities to protect ourselves by noting the warning signs that come our way. But sometimes we don’t.

Particularly in the spiritual realm.

Listen, if the Holy Spirit’s voice is speaking to your conscience during a moment of temptation, don’t ignore Him.

He’s trying to help you, not cheat you.

Here’s Solomon’s view on the matter.

“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” (Proverbs 22:3)

God always provides an honorable way out of the temptations we face. Choosing that path might not puff up our ego and might even stress our relationships with worldly minded people. But it WILL honor Him and it WILL protect us.

Don’t be simple-minded, my friend.

It’s not God’s desire that you pay that penalty for sinning.

As always, I love you

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