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You can provide finely crafted jewelry to several people today.

I’m talking about precious gifts that will provide lasting, cherished value to recipients.

In fact, God promises that your gifts will have great worth.

You’ll just need to make sure that you’re trying your best to craft your gifts in a way that reflects His goodness and infinite value.

A verse from today’s Bible reading in the One-Year Bible explains:

“A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Proverbs 25:11).

This is quite a statement, of course. Some might claim that Solomon was over-reaching in his attribution of value to spoken wisdom.

But was he?

Are there times when just the right words can do more for the heart and soul than can the gift of a beautiful ring?

Of course there are.

When Solomon’s wisely spoken words resolved a child-custody dispute that nobody else could resolve, there’s no doubt that what he said was far more valuable to the actual mother than would have been a compensatory diamond ring.

And when a husband chooses to sincerely apologize and promise a new life of dedication to loving his family, are not those words far more valuable to a wife and children than are a new necklace and trip to Disneyworld?

Since we know that words can permeate into places of the soul that tangible things cannot, it’s no surprise that God associates great value with good words that reflect wisdom and kindness and loyalty.

There are plenty of people who spend money in an effort to speak to the heart of another. It’s so much better when we use words. It’s not that gifts are bad. In fact, we all like receiving them.

But never are tangible gifts to take the place of words aptly spoken.

For such words can nurture and strengthen the heart in ways that physical items cannot.

Pray for the Lord to stir and steer your heart today in the provision of aptly spoken words to people who need them.

If you need to apologize, please do so, making sure to promise a better way of making choices.

If your friend needs an abundance of encouragement, please offer it with a healthy dose of scripture.

If your co-worker is feeling insecure about his or her job, offer to pray with him or her for an infusion of patience and increased vocational aptitude.

You’ll perhaps help them in ways that they will treasure more than just another piece of jewelry.

As always, I love you

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