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As part of our congregation’s recent ministry outreach series, I’ve highlighted the importance of preparing and sharing personal stories of faith.

We all know the power of a story when it comes to influencing others.

Imagine trying to market a new product to the public without any testimonials as to its effectiveness or desireability.

Stories are vital for building influence and loyalty.

The idea of a personal testimony has always been important for promoting godliness in the lives of others. Here’s a 3,000-year-old reminder of why we should prepare and share a personal testimony.

“Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story— those He redeemed from the hand of the foe, those He gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south” (Psalm 107:2-3).

The rest of Psalm 107 provides several, abbreviated examples of how God’s intercessory power and grace rescued sinful people who humbled themselves to cry out for help.

It’s a good read that I encourage you to check out here.

If you have prepared and shared a testimony — whether in part or in full — I want to thank you. You’ve planted a seed that the Holy Spirit and other believers can continue to water in the hopes that spiritual sprouting will occur.

If you haven’t and you’d like a simple guideline for preparing a concise testimony, please reply to this Morning Devotion and I’ll send you the tool that I provided to our congregation members.

We’re called to tell our story, my friends.

Please do so that that His story can become their story.

As always, I love you

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