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Morning Devotion: Unshaken

I’m sure that Old West wagon masters got a lot of good food cooked for them when the wagon trains made it to Oregon or Washington.

Can you imagine how glad the women of all those thousands wagon trains were when the many months of travelling ended and setting up a household began?

Oh my, there must have been a huge measure of appreciation to the wise, rugged men who each led dozens of families from the Midwest to the great Northwest. Apple pies, chicken cassaroles, bags of leftover beef jerky, and on and on must have shown the wagon masters how grateful the people were to have arrived at the place of their new lives.

We Christians have a daily opportunity to show our appreciation to the Savior who put us on the road to an eternally better life and who continues leading us with wisdom, boldness and gentleness.

Our journey in this life will very likely last for more than a few months, though. Yes, we’ll pour on the praise — forever — when we reach our destination.

But we shouldn’t wait to get started.

After all, God has already started giving us advance blessings that are only faint glimpses of what awaits us in glory.

Wow. Our best blessings now are no match for the incredible blessings later?

I am SO looking forward to that day that I’m absolutely certain will come for me because every other promise God has made to me has proven true.

I like having a “wagon master” Savior who has a perfect record of leading the faithful to their desired destination.

And that’s why I really appreciated the words of Psalm 16:7-8 this morning:

“I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

Walk with God, my friend.

You’ll get where you want to go.

He’ll get the praise and devotion that He deserves.

And His Son will have one more reason to hear His Father say, “Well done, thou good and faithful Servant.”

As always, I love you

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