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There’s no question that Jacob’s son Joseph had a difficult path early in his adult life. Betrayal by his jealous brothers left him stuck in a pagan land and beset with unjust treatment, yet Joseph remained faithful to God.

Genesis chapters 37-50 describe in great detail the various experiences Joseph faced and how God worked through them all for the preservation of the divine promise to Joseph’s ancestor, Abraham.

While reading from Genesis 41 this morning, I was moved to a greater appreciation for the grace of God.

Handed lemon after lemon, Joseph just kept making lemonade.

God chose to bless Joseph in the midst of a life that was not just how he wanted. And Joseph knew that what he received were signs of God’s favor.

Here is a passage from Genesis 41 that describes two wonderful blessings sent to Joseph who had ascended — through God’s grace — to Egypt’s second-most powerful role and the one responsible for later saving Egypt from starvation during seven years of famine.

Before the years of famine came, two sons were born to Joseph by Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On. Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh and said, “It is because God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father’s household.” The second son he named Ephraim and said, “It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.”

You and I are not going to be picked as vice presidents for this nation. We are not going to be responsible for seeing that the entire nation has food.

We will, however, face difficult times at some point.

Perhaps you’re even facing them now.

Please open your mind and your eyes to see the blessings God sends your way in the midst of the burdens.

Perhaps it won’t be the birth of a child, but it might be the spiritual re-birth of a child, a family member or friend.

Perhaps it will be the birth of a restored relationship with somebody important to you.

Perhaps it will be the rebirth of good health or a stable job or a settled heart after finding a congregation where you can thrive in worship and service.

Listen, when we discern the blessings of God amidst the burdens of this world, we’re more likely to stop allowing our troubles to torment our hearts. And we’re more likely to be fruitful for the Lord who promises to — someday — deliver our souls to the land of eternal celebration.

Let’s learn from Joseph. Let’s count our blessings. This way, we’ll more likely be ones that God can count on to serve Him and others.

As always, I love you

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