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An article published last Friday by The Week magazine reported that the fastest-growing religious segment in the nation is actually atheism.

Nearly 20 percent of Americans now classify themselves as having “none” when asked to define their religious faith.

What’s so troubling in the rapid rise of “none” people is that most profess to having had a religious belief and then abandoning it.

I hope you’ll read the article by clicking the link above. You’ll be intrigued and perhaps inspired to be more active and evident in your faith.

What was clear to me from the article is that we Christians bear some of the responsibility for the declining permeation of faith in our nation.

Hypocritical, judgmental, apathetic are how too many Christians are seen by those wavering and later wandering from faith.

It’s so sad.

Some of you have family or friends who have abandoned faith.

And some of you have heard that relative or friend say he or she was disgusted with poor examples of faith that obliterated any claim that God’s divine power and influence and grace could serve any good in real life.

Listen, we’re not going to stop the massive rush of lemming-like atheists toward the cliff of eternal destruction.

Remember, Jesus said that path was very broad and very crowded.

We can, however, humbly communicate and demonstrate the love and integrity and grace of a sincere Christian faith.

Those in our circles of influence need to see that Christianity actually does make a positive difference for ourselves and the people in our lives.

Our faithfulness — and particularly our grace toward others — just might lead a borderline atheist back onto the narrow path that leads to life.

As always, I love you

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