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It used to be that men were the only ones who struggled with porn and reading immoral books.

Like I said, it “used to be.”

Perhaps you’ve heard about the explosion of interest among women in their 40s and 50s toward the above.

One of the fastest-selling books in America, according to media reports, is an erotic book specifically designed for the above audience.


Sad, huh?

The never-ending search for emotional intimacy has been corrupted and deceived to new levels by the embracing of unbiblical lust, a condition that cripples one’s ability to experience the far more important spiritual intimacy with God.


What’s that?

Listen, you and I can’t control the minds and hearts and actions of others.

What we CAN do, however, is make sure that our minds and hearts and actions are under the control of God’s Word and Holy Spirit.

How can we know if we’re heading in the right direction morally?

Here’s a passage from today’s devotional reading that can help to keep us on the “straight and narrow” if we’ll practice it.

“I will walk in my house with blameless heart. I will set before my eyes no vile thing.” (Psalm 101:2-3)

Anything that God would see as immoral or “vile” should never be found in our presence or possession. And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what is clean and what is dirty.

Does everything you watch on TV or via DVD or on the internet pass the above tests?

Have you been reading anything that would break Jesus’ heart to see in your hands?

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if deep cleaning is needed in your life.

God wants the best for us and that will more likely be ours if we have blameless hearts, particularly at home.

As always, I love you

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