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Morning Devotion: Always?

There are some people in our lives who are closer to the model of Psalm 106:3 than are we.

We and everybody in our lives will be better off if we become more like the people above.

Yes, Psalm 106:3 is that important.

And here’s what it says:

“Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right.”

There aren’t many people we know who fit this description. Why? Because the temptation to choose self over others is very strong.

At work, the temptation to loaf during time for which we’re being paid is very strong, particularly if accountability measures are lacking.

Or we might fall into the trap of retributive gossip about one who spread rumors about us.

At home, we might have fired a cheap-shot insult toward a spouse or teen child because we were too lazy to look at an issue from a perspective other than our own.

At church, we might have cut back on our tithes and other offerings because we want to save money for a much-desired toy or trip or new outfit.

The list of potential ways to do wrong is endless.

But so is the list of potential ways to always do what is right.

Obey the 10 commandments.

Live according to the Beatitudes.

Demonstrate the characteristics of spiritually fruitful living shown in Philippians 4:8-9.

Apply the Golden Rule to every human interaction.

There really are very few occasions when we don’t know the best path to take an intersection of choices. Instead, it’s almost always clear at home or work or school or church which fork in the road is going to better please God and help others.

Prepare yourself for receiving blessing, my friend.

Always act justly.

Always do what is right.

And pray that I do the same.

As always, I love you

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