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Some women are gifted for putting on just enough jewelry to provide a lucious visual enhancement to their appearance.

And then there are other women who look like they took jewelry lessons from Mt. T.

Often, it’s not the abundance of jewelry that impresses but instead the discreet, singular choice that enhances the look.

Skilled real estate agents know this, of course, and that’s why less is more when it comes to stuff on a kitchen counter or clutter in a bedroom or potted plants on a porch for the house being sold.

This same notion of quality in choices rather than quantity is also demonstrated in the spiritual realm.

My devotional reading this morning included Proverbs 15:2, an insightful verse that says this:

“The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.”

I like the word choice of “adorns.” It’s vivid and points to the communication artistry of a word aptly spoken. In Proverbs 25:11, King Solomon said such words are like apples of gold placed in settings of fine silver.

Wise people don’t shotgun their words at people and hope one of them hits the target.

Instead, they aim carefully and only pull the communication trigger when they are confident they are going to hit the target.

When people know us as careful, wise communicators, what we say will be seen as knowledge, rather than as a bunch of shotgun pellets fired from the mouth of a fool.

Please join me in reading the Bible daily and praying for wisdom in understanding it. When God stirs our hearts to share efficiently from its pages, our words will be seen as knowledge, not noise.

As always, I love you

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