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Every human wants less stress.

Particularly when it comes to those things involving the soul.

God’s Word says that we can have “great peace.”

I want that.

I suppose you do, too.

If the writer of Psalms — inspired by the Holy Spirit — used the word “great” to describe the peace that can be ours from God, then we’re talking about something that transcends the peace we find when our bodies are the shape we want or our finances are in the condition we want or our kids are acting the way that we want.

Simply stated, the peace that we gain when it comes from God’s throneroom is way better than the peace we gain from our human efforts.

How we do gain that “great peace?”

It doesn’t take genius to access it, but it does take humility and surrender.

Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” (Psalm 119:165)

The more you read the Word with a supple heart and a surrendered mind, the more you’ll appreciate the amazing wisdom and encouragement found in its pages.

It really is the owner’s manual for life.

God doesn’t promise that scripture will steer us away from every challenge. Every mature Christian knows the sting of “zinger” losses or personal failures.

God does promise, however, that scripture will guide us through every challenge. It’s vital to remember that it is God’s hand that holds up up (Psalm 37:23-24), not the printed words themselves.

If we’re holding His hand via faith and we’re walking the path to which we’re called via following scripture, we can have that great peace in knowing that we’ll arrive where we want to be and where God will be waiting with a “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

As always, I love you

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