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In Romans 4:11-12, the Apostle Paul writes that God is the Father of all faithful believers, whether they are among the “circumcised” (Jews) or among the “uncircumcised” (Gentiles).

Paul was emphasizing that one’s biological or cultural DNA don’t determine acceptance by God but instead one’s choice to live as a redeemed, faith-showing child of God.

“He is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them. He is also the Father of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised.”

This is clear to me from the above text — God is our Father if we walk in the footsteps of faith demonstrated by Abraham.

That being the case, how do we walk in Abraham’s footsteps?

That’s a huge topic of study, but I want to give a very simple perspective this morning.

When Abraham was told to trade a comfortable setting for a life of periodic moving and showing faith to others, he did so.

When Abraham messed up by lying about his marriage because he was driven by fear and was later convicted to seek spiritual restoration with God, he did so.

When Abraham heard the voice “Put others first” when deciding if Lot could choose the best land for himself, Abraham did so.

When Abraham’s relatives were taken hostage by pagan raiding parties and God called him to launch a dangerous rescue effort, Abraham did so.

When Abraham was called to solve a family crisis by showing a “Hit the road” tough love toward a rebellious son who despised Abraham’s true firstborn Isaac, Abraham did so.

And when Abraham was called to show a willingness to sacrifice that which he loved the most — his son Isaac — Abraham did so.

Want to walk in Abraham’s footsteps? Want to make sure that God sees you as His child?

Obey God’s call to go in His name when your comfort zone is crying out, “I like it here.”

Repent when fear has led you astray and return to the place/situation God wants you.

Always put others first.

Defend those you love, even at the risk of financial, social or physical harm to yourself.

Don’t enable destructive behavior of others by ignoring the random need for “tough love.”

Never doubt that God’s call to sacrifice something dear to you will lead to a greater confirmation of faith.

Listen, walking in Abraham’s footsteps is sometimes not easy.

But it will be eternal.

And that’s the greatest blessing of all.

As always, I love you

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