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To have the life of peace and progress that we desire as Christians, we have to do the spiritual math.

I’m talking about the life we want being the sum of our faithful choices.

Consider the words of Psalm 37:30-31…

The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just. The law of their God is in their hearts; their feet do not slip.”

Here’s how that might look in a spiritual math context:

righteous lips speaking wisdom

tongues speaking what is true and fair

+ heart filled with scripture

lives firmly on peaceful path toward eternity

Listen, if I want to pick tomatoes from a garden in my back yard, then I have to prep the soil, plant the seeds, water the plants, pull the weeds, add fertilizer and keep the pests away.

Juicy, flavorful tomatoes don’t just appear spontaneously in the lawn.

They are the result of “garden math.”

Let’s do the things that will allow us to enjoy the harvest of spiritual math.

Let’s be like Jesus.

Let’s make sure that the overflow from our lips is springing from a mind filled with wisdom, a disposition focused on fairness and a heart filled with the Word of God.

It’s SO much better when we’re not pulling ourselves out of the ditch — or being pulled out by another — because we didn’t follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

As always, I love you

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