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OK, we’re supposed to seek redemptive relationships with unsaved people, right?

That’s how we’re going to have bridges of gospel influence, right?

Yes, that’s right.

So why does the Apostle Paul tell us in 2 Corinthians 6:14 to not be yoked together with unbelievers?

If we’re not walking close to them, how can we really influence them?

The key element in answering this question is to consider the word “yoked.”

Paul doesn’t tell us to ignore the unsaved, of course.

We are to talk with them and walk with them — as long as it means that we’re walking on the path of faith.

If the unsaved person starts heading down a wrong path and is pleading for us to walk with him or her, then our Christian faith says “No” because we are yoked to Christ and, since He never walked the path of sin, we are not to walk the path of sin.

You see, that’s the problem in being yoked with non-Christians as if we were two oxen tied together for pulling a wagon.
Invariably, they’re eventually going to choose a path that conflicts with godliness.

And, invariably, there’s going to be a fight for control.

One of those in the yoked relationship is going to compromise.

Sadly, it is almost always the Christian.

I’ve seen this happen countless times when a Christian marries a non-Christian.

The Christian more often ends up walking the path he or she knows that God doesn’t like, rather than the reverse for the non-Christian.

This also happens, of course, with business partnerships or “best buddy” friendships.

We’re never told to stop associating with unsaved people. In fact, that’s integral to the Great Commission that Christ gave us for evangelism.

We are told, however, to not be in relationship structures within which the direction we go is determined by others instead of ourselves.

If we’re not careful, we can end up in a yoked relationship with a non-Christian who is as stubborn and as strong as an ox.

That could end up being a very bad thing that will cause a huge amount of frustration and ungodly reaction on our part.

Please, my friend, pray before entering into any relationship commitments with non-Christians. God’s voice will reveal to you what you should do, I’m sure.

As always, I love you

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