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We’re happy when we score a great deal on a purchase, getting something for much less money than it’s worth.

It’s always fun “winning” in this way and we each have success stories that we delight in sharing.

Unfortunately, we also have stories that we wish we could forget about when we’ve paid good money for bad deals.

Perhaps for a lemon car.

Perhaps for a house with undisclosed, costly problems.

Perhaps for professional advice that turned out to be useless.

Perhaps for a vacation trip that turned out to be a nightmare because of falsely advertised claims.

Such things really stink.

But lessons from such things also really stick.

Much of life enjoyment and success hinges on the choices of what we buy in life.

This is particularly true in the spiritual realm.

Consider this wisdom from King Solomon:

“Buy the truth and do not sell it” (Proverbs 23:23)

Buying truth means investing time and sometimes resources in order to learn the Word and will of God. As we learn scripture and the application of its principles in everyday relationships and business, our investment of time in reading and listening and discussing ALWAYS pays off in better life experiences, here and in eternity.

But if we choose to exchange the truth of God for a lie — such as the unrepentant sinners described in Romans 1 — we are headed toward a terrible cliff that precedes eternal torment.

The Enemy will always promise that doing things his way rather than God’s way yields more pleasure and profit in this life. He’ll always want us to sell out when it comes to trusting God.

But selling out to Satan is never right. It always leads to bad things. If there is no repentance, there will be no deliverance.

And that’s the Truth.

Please, my friend, when Satan tempts you with one of his poisoned, pleasure-promising lies, don’t buy it.

As always, I love you

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