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Merry Christmas to you all. I pray that more than anything else over the coming days, you’ll appreciate the good people that God has placed in your life.



Dec. 24, 2012



In Proverbs 30:25, Solomon pointed to one of the world’s most productive creatures and explained the reason for its success.

“Ants — they aren’t strong, but they store up food all summer.”

It’s humbling to realize that the tiny ant has a better understanding of life success than many humans, sometimes even ourselves.

We coast. We presume. We mooch. We claim we’re victims of others’ failures. We complain that we don’t have what others have.

And all the time, the little ant keeps working to provide for himself now and in the future.

The lesson? Success is less about being strong and swift and more about being persistent and focused.

This is true in the workplace. This is true in having good relationships. This is true with our health, both physical and financial.

And this is true with our faith.

Hitting a few home runs isn’t going to lead to a winning season for a baseball team, but all the players hitting a lot of singles will.

Rod Carew is in professional baseball’s Hall of Fame not because he smacked monster home runs but instead because he hit a whole lot of singles during his long baseball career.

You see, his legacy is enjoying a perpetual summer now because — despite his lack of home run strength — he kept storing up singles summer after summer after summer.

Start storing up food, or funds, or fitness, or friendships and certainly your deeds of faith while it is “summer,” my friend.

It doesn’t matter how strong you are, but instead how focused on the fact that the time is coming when you’ll be glad for all that you stored up.

As always, I love you

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