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God loves you so much.

In fact, He’s thinking about you all the time.

How can He do so for you and for me and for the people at your church and for the missionary serving on the other side of the earth and even for the the spiritual skeptic who hasn’t yet embraced Christ, I don’t know exactly other than to say, “He’s God, that’s how.”

I was reminded of this amazing love as I read from the One-Year Bible this morning.

Here is a sliver of the love described in Psalm 139:

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!” (vv. 17-18)

When somebody says over the phone that they’ve been thinking about us lately, it’s encouraging.

If a random thought about us by a human makes us feel appreciated, then how much more should our hearts be stirred when the sovereign Creator of the Universe, the God of heaven, tells us that He thinks about us so many times that it can’t even be counted?

Listen, God believes that you’re VERY special even to the point of dedicating loads of his brain time to your life.

Please pursue godly living and service in the days ahead as a child who has the same peace and enthusiasm of a little kid who knows he or she has Daddy’s unconditional love for all the moments of his or her life.

You love seeing kids who know they’re loved. They smile a lot. Let’s show the world our smiling hearts.

As always, I love you

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