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I Chronicles 22 describes how David prepared for the Jerusalem temple’s construction via a massive undertaking of accumulating materials worth many billions of dollars in modern-day terms.

It’s mind-blowing, actually, to consider how much wealth was poured into the construction project.

But for David, it was all pocket change compared to the worth God possessed in his heart.

David wanted his son Solomon to have the same view of God, although the young man had experienced a far less arduous journey to the threshold of leading the world’s greatest nation in that time.

All of David’s wealth and relationships with others in various roles were directed at seeing the temple built by Solomon. David had wanted to lead the enterprise but God had made clear that David’s blood-stained warrior’s hands weren’t going to be involved in building a house of peace.

So how does this story relate to you and to me when it comes to building a successful Christian life?

David’s charge to Solomon helps us to answer that question:

Now, my son, may the Lord be with you and give you success as you follow his directions in building the Temple of the Lord your God. And may the Lord give you wisdom and understanding, that you may obey the Law of the Lord your God as you rule over Israel. For you will be successful if you carefully obey the decrees and regulations that the Lord gave to Israel through Moses. Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid or lose heart!” (I Chronicles 22:11-13)

Listen, all of our wealth and relationship influence should be directed at building lives that glorify the Lord our God.

Colossians 3:17 tells us that in whatever we do or say, it should be designed to bring glory to God.

Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness and then what we need will be provided to us.

Romans 5:8 tells us that while we were yet sinners, God showed His love for us by sending Jesus to die on the cross for us.


Giving God all of our best is the least we can do for Him.

This truth filled the heart of King David who knew quite well both the sorrow of sin and the freedom of forgiveness.

David knew that all of his efforts would never be enough to earn forgiveness AND he knew that all of his praise would never be enough to match God’s glory.

That’s why David spoke to his son’s heart.

For worship is always about intent, not extent.

Listen, there will always be somebody who can give more richly or sing more beautifully or speak more eloquently.

There will always be one who can give to a greater extent.

But if our intent is to build a life that displays God as the #1 priority in our lives, that will be just as meaningful to God as a multi-billion-dollar temple on an ancient hill far away.

Please follow God’s directions via the Bible in building the temple of a life dedicated to worshiping and serving God. Please obey the Law of the Lord your God as you make everyday decisions at home, work or school. You’ll have success if you’ll carefully obey His Word and don’t lose heart.

God promised.

As always, I love you

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