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Satan loves to trap long-time Christians who have learned to set aside many of their past sinful habits.

He lures them into looking at how they are not as sinful as the world around them so that, as a result, they feel content with their measure of personal holiness.

You and I know, of course, that measuring our personal holiness against the behavior of the world is a recipe for disaster.

We’d never measure the sterility of surgical tools to be used on us by comparing them to the interior of a dumpster. Instead, we’d demand perfect cleanness because of the consequences for allowing filth to invade our flesh.

This principle is why we Christians should always measure our personal holiness against the life of Christ, a man who never sinned, a man whose spiritual garments were as white as snow.

You see, it was His perfection of living without sin that provides believers with the assurance of being seen by God on judgment day as vicariously perfect and thus able to enter into a glorious eternity.

Listen, I’ve been a Christian for more than 40 years and I still have occasions that I have to do the wardrobe change that Paul described in Romans 13:12.

The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living.” (Romans 13:12)

I don’t like the facts of my weaknesses and failures. But, of course, God likes it even less.

Yet, because of His love and His grace — and Christ’s willingness to suffer in my place — I am given a new day to display the Light of a redeemed, transformed life.

Please examine your life for stained clothing. It’s likely that you’re quite aware of your recurring sin weaknesses. Everybody has at least a few.

If you’ll listen closely, the Holy Spirit will tell you what needs to go so that “white as snow” deeds and words might replace them.

As we practice Romans 13:12 more in our lives, we’ll profess our faith more and confess our sins less.


As always, I love you

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