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When Christian parents are being tossed around by work or health storms, the kids can become filled with anxiety.

Why? Because the kids aren’t just worried about Mom or Dad or both, but they’re also unsure of what the future is going to be for them.

They don’t have the life experience to have seen people make it through tough times because of a tough faith.

That’s why it is so important that we not only talk about the value of faith with kids, but that we also display the value of faith in front of the kids.

For when they see us leaning on the Rock that will not be crushed, upon the Tower that will not fall, our kids know that they can lean on us and they won’t be crushed, they won’t fall.

How else will they learn of standing strong by standing close to the Lord?

They’re certainly not going to learn it from the world.

Here’s the verse from Proverbs that triggered this devotion:

Those who fear the Lord are secure; He will be a refuge for their children.” (Proverbs 14:26)

Show kids how to have spiritual and emotional security, even when the wheels are falling off the bus of your life.

Our kids — even the grown ones — want to know that they’ll be safe emotionally and spiritually when they’re with us.

And as you and I stay within the arms of our Lord, we’ll be able to pass the confident peace onto those whom we love.

As always, I love you

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