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Every once in a while I’ll see a guy jogging down the road, trying to look like Rocky from the movie series.

He’ll be wearing cotton sweats and a hoodie and will be shadowboxing as he slowly makes his way along.

It is obvious from his physique, though, that this person will probably never step into a ring.

For he’d likely be pummeled by a far more fit opponent and perhaps not even make it out of the 1st round.

I was reminded of how we humans are sometimes lured into thinking we can fake it ’til we make it regarding success in our spiritual lives.

If we just look busy or religious enough to impress others with our seeming sophistication or spiritual force, then perhaps people will be impressed with us and afraid to pick an emotional or relational fight with us.

This is a trap of the Devil that is designed to leave us weakened when a far more fit and dastardly opponent steps into the ring with us.

That opponent might be a person who thrives on claiming the Bible is baloney and has a long list of alleged examples to prove it.

That opponent might be a person who pulls out a lengthy list of famous Christian leaders who have committed terrible sins.

That opponent might be a person who knows just which buttons to push in our lives that set us on edge and lure us away from being kind and gracious and patient.

It’s obvious when confronted by such people that a shadow-boxing faith is of no value.

We are not without hope, though.

Heed these words from the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 10:26.

So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing.”

The key word in this verse is “purpose.”

Paul wrote in Colossians 3:17 that every thought, word and deed should be pregnant with God’s purposes.

At work or home or school or church, please strive to think first about the alternatives that do the most to glorify God.

Forgive when you’ve been insulted. Give when you have the ability to share. Abstain when it would display morality and self-control to others.

Confront when apathy would endorse evil.

Purpose in every step — it’s what Jesus called for in Matthew 6:33.

It’s seeking first the Kingdom of God and trusting that God will take care of us.

As always, I love you

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