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When God sends blessings our way, it’s not just because He loves us.

It’s also because He wants us to love Him more.

And as Psalm 105:45 tells us, love is shown through our obedience.

The verses leading up to verse 45 list a number of great blessings that God poured out upon the Hebrews after they were rescued from Egyptian bondage. You can read of those blessings by clicking here.

I love how the psalmist summed up the purpose of the blessings with his words in verse 45:

All this happened so they would follow his decrees and obey his instructions.”

I encourage you to think for a moment of three great blessings you’ve received from the Lord and then reflect on why God sent them your way.

It’s because He loves you and desires that you show your love for Him by following His decrees and obeying His instructions.

There’s simple yet powerful parallel passage in Luke 6:46 that records Jesus asking His disciples, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I say?”

Let’s show our love for God by living more obediently to His Word, not just in the big stuff like not committing crimes but also in the little stuff like giving money or time to someone in need, even though our human passion would rather spend both on ourselves.

It’s clear which choice would show an obedient heart to God.

As always, I love you

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