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Go to the beach at night and you’ll likely see little points of light miles away out on the ocean.

It’s amazing when you think about it, this evidence of electricity flowing through these small, glass-encased filaments on bobbing vessels perhaps seven miles away.

A tiny light in a massive expanse of darkness, yet it is clearly visible.

The darker the night grows, the more visible the light.

And so it is to be with the light of our lives as our world becomes a spiritually darker place.

You see what’s happening.

You feel the sadness at the moral decay of our nation, our communities, our workplaces and perhaps even our extended families.

You pray with increasing frequency that those close to you will draw closer to the Light of Jesus Christ, rather than moving away from Him.

It’s sad when people about whom we care are making choices that increasingly define them as “people of the night” rather than “people of the Light.”

It’s comforting, though, to know that as we make more room in our hearts and minds for the Light of scripture, the Light of the Holy Spirit and the Light of Christ’s presence, we’ll shine brighter into the darkness invading our corners of the world.

It is a truth of physics that you can’t “turn on” the dark. Remove the light and darkness automatically inhabits the space.

We can, however, turn on the light and darkness has no choice but to flee.

There is no pushing and shoving when it comes to photons.

They win every time.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” (John 1:5)

Let’s flood our circles of influence with spiritual photons.

Let’s radiate the brilliant light of faith.

Darkness cannot overcome light.

We just have to make sure that pride, envy, materialism, apathy and other tools of the Enemy don’t corrode our connection to the Divine Creator empowering our light.

As always, I love you

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