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A smile is one of the best evangelistic tools a Christian has.

Ironically, a believer’s refusal to smile is one of the Enemy’s best tools.

There is life or death in our smiles.

I’m not being overly dramatic.

I’m speaking biblically.

Hear King Solomon on the matter:

“Unfriendly people care only about themselves…” (Proverbs 18:1)

The last thing any Christian should want to communicate to others is an attitude of unfriendly selfishness.

For leaving that impression upon the non-Christian obliterates any kind of influence toward embracing the Gospel.

When you and I display a friendly attitude toward all whom we meet, there is the opportunity to build a bridge of influence, one plank of kindness and one smile at a time.

There’s no assurance, of course, that those we smile at will choose Christ as Savior

One thing is for sure, however,

If we are unfriendly, people will see that Christ has made no positive difference in our lives.

So why would they want anything to do with Christianity?

Be intentionally friendly.

All the time, if possible.

Even in the worst of times when parts of our lives aren’t going well, we can still smile at others because we know we’ve been blessed by God in many other ways.

Our smiles in the midst of our suffering will speak volumes of good to those watching us.

Most importantly, we can smile always because we know that God has an eternal smile waiting for us in heaven.

As always, I love you

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One Response to “Morning Devotion: When you’re smiling…”

  1. Helen says:

    When I read about Sosthenes being beat right there in the courtroom, I laughed and thought that’s what you get for messing with Paul, but I immediately changed my mind and felt bad that I laughed.

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