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I like the fact that Lord is my Shepherd.

I like that He does all the things mentioned in Psalm 23.

Like providing for my needs and some of my wants.

Like guiding me to the places that are better for me.

Like protecting me from that which might destroy my soul.

Like comforting me when I’ve fallen.

Like promising me a place with Him forever.

I was reminded again this morning of the Lord’s potent passion for me.

The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, 
both now and forever.” (Psalm 121:8)

To think that God loves me so much that He never stops watching over me during my daily life, now that is an encouraging thought. And it’s not just in this life but in the next as well.

I love knowing that He will care about me as much in heaven as He does while I’m on the earth.

It’s great to know that He won’t think that I’m in heaven now and don’t need His watchcare anymore and He can go back to focusing on helping the sin-struggling believers on earth.

When I’m wearing a white robe, He’ll still think about me, want to communicate with me, want to love me and want me to love Him.

He’ll still be my Shepherd even when all my threats are gone, all my sins are gone and all my burdens are gone.

Wow… I love that thought.

It just prompts me to worship Him even more.

Perhaps it does the same for you.

As always, I love you

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