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Never underestimate what God can do with your surrendered heart.

At the least, you can change your life into become one more pleasing and fruitful for Him.

At the most, you can help to change the world by funneling God’s grace and power and Word into the lives of people now disconnected or poorly connected to the Creator.

The life of the lonely person at work could be made better by your decision to share loving words of scripture from the God who said He wants the lonely to become part of a family (Psalm 68:6).

Wouldn’t connecting with a group of loving friends – such as at your church – change the world of that co-worker?

The financial future of an economically struggling relative could be made better by your decision to pay for a faith-based financial management course such as the one by Dave Ramsey.

Wouldn’t connecting that loved one with financial wisdom tools change the world of that relative?

And the list could go on as you forgave those who’ve wounded you, as you invested time into volunteer ministry, as you studied scripture in order to know how to answer the questions of non-Christians who don’t understand God’s grace as the vehicle of salvation rather than human works.

It’s all about seeking God, rejecting sin and surrendering to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

I will always have room for improvement in this regard because I will always be lacking some aspect of Jesus’ perfection.

Even so, I can still be useful to God in helping others toward better lives and better personal ministries.

How can I have such confidence?

Because God is in the business of transforming lives so that believers might help others toward transformed lives.

Check out what God did with a teen walking amidst a bunch of sheep.

“He took David from tending the ewes and lambs and made him the shepherd of Jacob’s descendants—God’s own people, Israel. He cared for them with a true heart and led them with skillful hands.” (Psalm 78:71-72)

If God could change the world with the runt of a family, a kid who loved Him more than anything else, He can do amazing things with your life and mine.

We just have to care for people with true hearts and do our best to influence people with wise, experience-proven values and choices.

I believe in you. More importantly, God does, too.

As always, I love you

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