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To hear this Morning Devotion, please click  What puts a song in your heart?_

If you hear a guy whistling, chances are that he’s feeling good about his life.

I’ve observed that depressed guys don’t whistle while they work.

Or while they do anything.

The same principle applies to women, of course.

And to children.

If somebody is spontaneously singing or humming or whistling while doing household chores or walking in the park or standing in the stadium crowd or even while changing a diaper, it’s typically because his or her heart is brimming with confidence that life is going along pretty good.

Think about your singing behavior when nobody is around.

If you sing when you’re alone, or whistle, or hum, it’s almost always from the overflow of your good mood.

This doesn’t surprise me, of course.

After all, what are believers going to do in heaven for eternity?

They’re going to sing TO God and sing ABOUT God, that’s what.


Because He has given us eternal, unlimited access to a fountain of joy found in His perfect presence.

Now that’s something that can get you singing about the joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart.

God doesn’t want your singing to begin in the next life, however.

He wants to hear you singing in this life. Or whistling. Or humming. Or all three.

He wants you to see the blessings in your life that should leave you feeling content with your status.

It’s all about perspective, isn’t it?

The Apostle Paul had been beaten and thrown into a dingy prison cell because of his faithful preaching in Philippi.

Yet, in the midst of it all, he sang for joy.

There were many reasons for Paul’s proper perspective, of course.

Paul knew that he had once been a horribly sinful persecutor of Christians and that he should have been destroyed — not delivered — by God.

Perhaps Paul was also recalling the words of Psalm 5:11 he surely learned during his Hebrew seminary days.

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy”

This verse was in today’s reading of the One-Year Bible. I pray that the verse finds life in your mind and heart as — even in the midst of trials — you recall your deliverance through Christ and your daily blessings through God.

It just might be enough of a spiritual boost to get you singing about the joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart.

As always, I love you

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