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Not every Christian adult has biological young adult children. But every Christian adult knows young adults who need prayer.

With all the moral and vocational and social challenges faced today by the young adults we love, there’s no doubt that an abundance of prayer is needed in their behalf, whether they’re carrying our DNA or not.

It’s no secret that Satan works extremely hard to lure and coerce young adults to walk away from the faith of their parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles and other relatives and loving adults at church.

And, sadly, he’s typically successful.

There are some young adults, though, who have remained close to the heart of God.

They are serving the Lord and serving His people.

They are sharing their faith with the faithless.

I’m convinced that the prayers — and faith examples — of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, other relatives and loving adults at church have contributed significantly to this measure of young adult faithfulness.

It was the case with me when I was in my college years. The influence of those older who were faithful acted like a magnet guiding me toward the narrow path rather than as steel guard rails into which I banged before being forced back into faith.

I need to provide the kind of nurturing intercession for young adults today that was provided for me.

Why? Because Satan is seeking to steal, kill and destroy everything wholesome in their lives.

I need to have the intercessory heart for young adults that Job had for his children.

In Job 1:4-5, there’s a potent insight as to the deep, godly character of Job. I was really moved by this text today. I pray that it will move you, too.

His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, ‘Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.’ This was Job’s regular custom.”

Are you praying each morning for the young adults in your life? Are you remembering that Satan hates them and is committed to destroying their souls?

Listen, we need to pray that the young adults in our lives — whether they’re our biological children or not — are restored to a forgiven relationship with God.

If we aren’t willing to do so, what are we saying to God? What are we saying about those young adults?

Older Christians prayed for us, I’m sure, and we’re stronger as a result.

Let’s do the same for those who are behind us on the timeline of life.

As always, I love you

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