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Because of what awaits me in heaven, I can wait through whatever comes my way on earth.

And sometimes, that “whatever” is not at all what I wanted to come my way.

Lori and I are in a tough season just now with all sorts of faith challenges placed at our doorstep. I thank God for the gift of faith that Lori possesses and that I possess. Without the faith, we’d be going downhill, I’m sure.

There are a variety of good things happening for us now and for those we are grateful.

But we are still burdened because of certain matters.

“They all just help our future testimony to bring that much more glory to God,” I tell people in an effort to maintain the proper perspective.

I am praying fervently for my lovely wife. And for myself. For we both need it.

God knew that I needed something else today and that’s why He placed before my eyes the words from 2 Corinthians 4:14…

We know that the One who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to Himself.”

That’s the hope that sustains.

For Lori.

For me.

And for you.

We’re going home one day.

Until that day comes, it’s important that we keep trying to encourage as many others as possible to make the decisions that will assure their hope of going home, too.

Our ministry of encouragment will sometimes have discouraging moments.

But because we know that our eternity is assured of blessing, we can receive courage from the Father of blessing and we can pass that courage onto others.

As always, I love you

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