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Part of being a faithful believer involves knowing the difference in status between man and God.

Job got it. Do we?

The LORD said to Job: Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? Let him who accuses God answer Him!

Then Job answered the LORD : “I am unworthy—how can I reply to You? I put my hand over my mouth. I spoke once, but I have no answer — twice, but I will say no more.” (Job 40:1-5).

Even in his last recorded words directed at God, Job said he despised himself and repented in “dust and ashes” (Job 42:6).

Job was a much better person than am I and far more successful by worldly measures than I’ll ever be. Yet, Job attested to his personal unworthiness and need for profound repentance.

Job said this not because he was a slimeball worse than anybody else on the planet, but instead because he realized how amazingly holy and powerful was his God.

These words of Job are not intended to make us feel like garbage. Instead, I believe part of their purpose is to remind us of how much we should appreciate the grace of a relationship with the God who is infinitely greater than are we.

Sometimes we humans get the big head. Even Christians fall into this trap at times.

When what we value is ripped away by circumstances or by dumb decisions, though, we’re confronted with the fact that we aren’t God.

The more that we sincerely pray to God and honestly evaluate our lives leading up to the time of loss, the more we’ll see subtle or sometimes not-so-subtle fingerprints of our sin.

And we’ll realize that God was gracious in not simply zapping us into the dustbag of hell.

God desires our humble admission of missing the mark with respect to the life choices to which He’s called us.

When we humble ourselves, confessing our sins and acknowledging His glorious perfection, God doesn’t slap us again and put his perfect boot on our necks.

Instead, He restores us.

Remember, He’s an Abba Father. That means “Daddy.”

As we know and live in proper position with Him, He lifts us from the dust and puts us back on the path to blessing.

I John 1:9 promises believers that sincere confession of sin leads to certain forgiveness.

Job did that in the passages above and how did God respond?

By giving him twice as many blessings than the abundance of blessings that he had before tragedy struck.

Listen, I’m not suggesting that if you stop sinning and start repenting, then God is gonna double your net worth and your network of cherished relationships.

He could if He believed it would build His kingdom, but that’s not the purpose of this Morning Devotion.

I’m simply suggesting that you imitate Job’s accurate recognition of God’s status and holiness compared to your own.

The result for God will be more worship flowing to heaven from your heart, your mind and your flesh.

The result for you will be more blessing, first in the peace found at the feet of God and, second, in whatever other blessings God sends your way as gestures of His love.

As always, I love you

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