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If you were to establish a list of characteristics that you’d want in a spouse or a child or a Christian friend — perhaps even your pastor — what listings would make the top eight?

Not sure?

The Bible helps us to know what God values most in Christian character.

That means that we have a character template that can help us to become more like Him and more of what this world needs.

The daily Bible reading contains the following:

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” (James 3:17)

I love simply explained teachings.

I don’t always succeed in explaining things as simply as I’d like, but I can sure recognize “simple” when I see it.

And James’ words here are impossible to misunderstand.

My pattern for living — i.e., my emotional/spiritual operating software — should clearly demonstrate the list above handed down from heaven above.

My thoughts and actions should be untainted by any form of selfishness, instead pursuing only the purposes of God and goodness for others.

My heart should enjoy and promote harmony among those around me rather than hassles and pot-stirring.

My agenda should always have others ranked higher than myself.

My attitude should not be the arms-crossed, “Why should I listen to you?” variety when circumstances or supervisors seek compliance.

My patient commitment to relationship when others fail should not be measured in seconds but in seasons.

My list of deeds done for the good of others should take more than one breath to explain if others were to describe them.

My roster of people whom I treat as better than others should be empty.

And any practice of saying one thing but doing another should be consigned to the trash pile for that’s exactly what that is.

James has given us very useful information here.

Let’s give God the loyalty He desires from us in living out these characteristics.

As always, I love you

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