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Since you’ve been thinking about spending money for Christmas gifts, here’s something else to keep in mind.

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses” (Proverbs 28:27).

Are you planning on giving some Christmas gifts to the poor? Perhaps someone even within your circle of influence?

I pray that you will.

I know that God is hoping you will.

Please remember Jesus’ line from Matthew 25, “Whatever you have done for the least of these, you have done unto me.”

Perhaps you’ll buy some extra kids toys, wrap them up and take them to a nearby elementary school and ask the office staff to make sure they get to children whose families have little or no money for Christmas gifts.

Perhaps you’ll buy an extra coat when you see that “incredible deal” and you’ll wrap it up as a present and ask your pastor about who in the congregation might really benefit from it.

Perhaps you’ll buy a gift card from a local grocery store and anonymously mail it to a family struggling with joblessness and perhaps even facing homelessness.

One of the challenges that Christians face is to focus our requests for God’s provision on our needs rather than our wants. It’s entirely appropriate to pray that God provides enough for our sustenance so that we can do His will.

When our prayers extend beyond that, however, and we are focusing on what we want rather than on how we can help others with their needs, then we’re heading the wrong direction.

Look at the verse again. God promises that our faithful generosity will result in our having enough for our lives. He doesn’t promise that our generosity will lead to an inflow of cool stuff.

Please pray that I grow in contentment with the promise of lacking nothing. Please pray that I’ll remember that enough is enough.

I will pray the same for you.

This philosophy might not boost our consumer-driven national economy, but it CAN boost the quality of life for a poor person God blesses through your faithful generosity and mine.

As always, I love you

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