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The Apostle John told Christians more than 1,900 years ago that talk is cheap.

He didn’t use those precise words, but the message he shared in I John 3:18 is unmistakable.

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”

It’s not wrong, of course, to say encouraging things to others and to pledge some measure of tangible support with actions or with stuff.

Often times, such words can be uplifting to a person or group of people who are really struggling.

But it is the follow-through that provides lasting value to our words.

If I tell somebody that I care about his or her difficult situation and then do nothing to help, I’m no different than a $10,000 check written on an account that has no funds.

It looks good and incredibly encouraging for a moment but then produces more frustration than if it had never been written.

Somebody in your congregation or extended family could really use some “actions and truth” from you just now. God’s Holy Spirit has already been speaking to you about the situation, I’m sure.

Will you listen?

Will you love with more than your words?

Will you put their need on your Christmas list?

Even something as simple as arranging to spend some emotional affirmation time with them rather than in front of the TV?

Oh, and one other thing…

We’re not just to love them with actions.

We’re called to also love them with truth.

However we show our love needs to be in the pattern of how Christ showed His love.

He gave people the gift of forgiveness for the offenses against Him. Are you willing to do the same for those who have offended you?

He gave people tactfully presented true words about their need for lifestyle change even at the risk of no longer being liked by them. Are you willing to tactfully do the same?

Pray, my friend, about your active, truthful, tactful display of love in the days ahead.

God will lead you into doing what is right.

As always, I love you

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