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When you’re really upset over something, whether toward another or toward yourself, how is that displayed outwardly?

Do you yell?

Do you throw things? Hit things?

Do you resort to cutting sacrasm?

Do you pout?

Or do you dig into God’s Word and consult with a God-guided Christian for wisdom on how to face the situation?

It’s very frustrating, of course, to be around somebody whose anger is displayed as rage. This “swinging baseball bat” attitude is terribly costly, often causing far more damage than whatever circumstance prompted the rage.

Yet, we are inspired and instructed when we see a wise person display the horse-whisperer style of response toward somebody who is yelling or throwing things or cutting people down or throwing a contorted-face pout party.

Why this topic today?

Here was a passage in today’s reading from the One-Year Bible:

“Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end” Proverbs 29:11

There is no question that if somebody in your circle of influence starts raging, it’s an ugly moment.

Our challenge as maturing Christians is to bring into that moment the truth of God’s Word, the gracious love previously poured into our hearts by a forgiving God, and the verbalized benefits of seeking lasting remedies rather than re-runs of “Who did this to me?” and “Somebody’s going to pay for this!”

It’s all about grace, actually.

Grace shown to us by a wise, patient God who wants us to find the better Way.

And wise, patient grace shown by us toward raging family, friends and co-workers who need to SEE the better Way.

As always, I love you

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