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Lori and I drive vehicles that are close to the end of their useful lives and we’re praying that we get at least a year from each of them before we start looking for replacements.

When that time comes, the sellers of the replacement vehicles will expect cash, not a bunch of sob stories about the problems with our current vehicles.

For us to expect anything else would be foolish.

It’s all about expectations.

Now, if I say something that deeply offends somebody to the point that they can’t sleep at night because of the wounded emotions, their expectations are likely to be that I would ask their forgiveness, not pull out my wallet and give them a bunch of $20 “Band-aids.”

You see, no amount of money is going to heal that wound. Instead, it will only cover up what will continue to fester and eventually scar.

I was reminded of these facts when I read Proverbs 11:4 this morning as part of my daily Bible reading. Here’s what Solomon wrote:

Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.”

It seems to me that Solomon is pointing to that time when someone dies and his or her soul heads to eternal peace or to eternal pain.

It is foolish to think that any amount of earthly wealth will buy one’s escape from the horrible consequences of rejecting God’s authority and His remedy for sin, Jesus Christ.

God will not be bribed into waiving His pattern of holy justice simply because He’s offered a pile of money that’s already His anyway because it came from His pocket in the first place.

The only way that I can escape the consequences of my sins is to be seen as righteous and not deserving of wrath.

I know for a fact that my self-managed measure of righteousness leaves much to be desired.

I know that I sometimes stumble and fall and make a mess of things.

So how can I be seen as righteous in order to be delivered from death?

Cling to Jesus, that’s how, repeatedly being covered by His robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10) as I ask God to forgive me because I’m covered in His blood poured out for me on the cross.

This same promise can be yours.

Nothing physical can deliver you from spiritual death.

It’s the choice of our spirit that seeks sin and it’s the choice of our spirit to seek the Son.

Choose wisely, my friend.

Remember that no amount of physical wealth can satisfy God’s spiritual wrath.

Choosing Jesus, the One who innocently suffered all the wrath that would ever be due all mankind, is your only hope for deliverance.

Make sure that your greatest desire is to be rich with the righteousness of Christ.

As always, I love you

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